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  1. Products ordered by the catalogue from the web-site of PRINTISSIMO are delivery fee free. The delivery is done to the adress given from the client from logisitcs company we are partnering with. After confirmation of your order on , via the contact form or directly speaking via phone on  00 359 82 845 250.
  2. Time for delivery is from 5 to 10 working days. 
  3. After you receive your order on the given confirmed adress you are paying your order via cash to the corrier.
  4. After you receive your packaged order you need to open the package and inspect your delivery. If because of the transportation the product is damaged you need to write protocol that is given back to the corrier company . Also you need to inform us via  the phone on  00 359 82 845 250. So that we clear-up the case and make sure we understand the circumstances that cause you to return our product. The corrier is going to give you protocol and transportation document, on both of the documents you need to place a sign that this is your order and that your desire is to return it due to "specific reasons"described on the document. This is ensuring both sides , customer and manufacturer, are on the same page. Their relationship is described via documents and what is expected is put on document so you should be informed what the next steps are for receiving your proper order.